

The Inception

Caterpillars herald a time of good news, new birth, and creative inspiration, signaling a readiness to start a new project or initiate new endeavors.The caterpillar spirit guide is much like people- some need to break out of their shell to reach their full potential, while the caterpillar needs to break out of its cocoon. Because of its transformative nature, the caterpillar symbolically indicates stage of metamorphosis and creation of new ideas.

Color ‘Turquoise Blue’ is a shade that lies between blue and green. It has characteristics associated with both of these, such as the calmness of blue and growth indicated by green, along with energy of yellow. So, altogether this shasde of Blue is associated with clarity of mind and creativity. This is a color that encourages reflection and focusses on one’s inner thoughts and feelings. It also reflects neutrality and being unbiased.

While this all seems simple now, but communicating the true essence of the brand and its core philosophy via brand elements was a task and it nearly took 2 months to finalise the name and the logo…then Blue Caterpillars was born.

Growth Story


This was an year of change for Blue Caterpillars. It shifted its base and registered office to the start-up capital – Bangalore.

Who doesnt like to be a part of their own community and yet provide solutions to them. So while work with corporate majors continued, Blue Caterpillars tried to increase lot of awareness about importance of market research amongst start-ups and small entrepreneurs. In the meantime, working with Philips Health Care was an experience in itself


Lot of work had been done with direct clients, first time Blue Caterpillars started working with ad agencies like Aquarius INC and RK Swamy BBDO.

Immense learning experience on multiple categories, and what was more exhiliriating as an experience was the joy of seeing insights getting translated to actions
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