Understanding Women Experiences with 2-wheeler punctures
Before launching a new tire range an automobile brand wanted to develop a deeper understanding of women’s relationship with their two-wheelers and the experiences they have with punctures.
It was the task of Blue Caterpillars to unravel their interaction and challenges with two-wheelers and tires.
Interestingly, we have seen that the scooter is a symbol of empowerment and freedom for women. While it caters to their mobility needs it also reduced the dependency of women on others, enabling them to have the power of controlling their own life.
Additionally, we have also sketched three different personas based on their differing emotion and attitude towards the puncture experience. We have also mapped each of their concerns and involvement level while dealing with the experience.
Finally, we developed a way forward for our brand, and how they can reach each of these personas. The client took forward our idea and took the required marketing actions.