Blue Caterpillars

Approach & Thinking

We think, observe, explore, and story tell, to uncover new frontiers for ideation and innovation.

What We Do

With flair for experimentation, we try to amalgamate traditional and new-age digital methods of qualitative research to perfectly build a synergized solution.


Search to discover information by digging deep into layers of culture that consumers and brands exist in. Involves peep into their mind-space and the spaces where brands can influence their life.


Identify the collective set of values, ideologies, shifting realities, visible and invisible drivers that shape consumer behaviour. Defragment and decode stated versus the real behaviour by slicing and dicing consumer speak.


Spotting new trends and behaviours across dynamic markets. Stage of metamorphosis, evolutions, drifts and creation of new and unbiased ideas.

How We Do

Phenomenological Method

It focuses on the commonality of experience within a particular group. This method utilizes interviews and observation to gather information from subjects. In business, we this method to understand usage, attitude and behaviour of consumers.

Ethnographic Method

observe the cultural challenges and motivations that drive a group. Analysis involves ’emic’ approach not ‘etic’, researcher attempts to interpret data from the perspective of the population under study. In business, it is pertinent for testing products personally or in beta groups before releasing them to the public.

Grounded Theory Method

analysis of data about a phenomenon. New theory begins its conception as the researcher recognizes new ideas and themes emerging from what people have said or from events which have been observed. In business, its used to explore and generate new ideas and theories via continuous process

Historical Method

future choices. This method is used to answers questions based on hypothesis and then test the idea for any potential deviations. In business, its used for trend spotting, predicting new trends and providing directions for NPD

Narrative Method

happens. Like a story narrative, it takes subjects at a starting point and reviews situations as obstacles or opportunities occur. Narrative method is used to define buyer personas, draw pen potraits, segment the market and identify innovations that appeal to them

Fallacies We Break


A correctly filled RQ is equivalent to the right recruitment.

We do not believe in RQs, we believe in field backchecks and proper briefing.


Long discussion guide implies good research document.

We strongly believe in keeping the discussion guide focused and concise.


Covering the Discussion Guide without considering group dynamics.

We allow our researchers and consultants, to alter the flow of DG, yet collect apt information.


The no. of slides indicates the robustness of the presentation.

We believe in keeping the insights crisp and strategically aligned so that its directional.