Blue Caterpillars

Assessing New Format of Cream Biscuits for the Consumers


A foods conglomerate wanted to check acceptance of an innovative format in cream biscuit category amongst the given target group, considering the hypothesis that cream biscuit is unhealthy.

Blue Caterpillars was challenged with the task of understanding consumer perceptions around cream biscuits and their acceptance of new format for adult consumption and child consumption.


We met consumers from both genders, across different geographies, and from age groups of 10 – 35 yrs. It was critical to get child’s as well as mother’s view, similarly a teen’s view as well as office-goer’s view. We tried to understand the consumption moments of cream biscuits across age groups and how the new format could fit in their repertoire.


We realised that while unhealthy, cream biscuits are like companions for many consumers- while travelling, while binge watching, when chilling with friends. Surprisingly, it is a substitute for sweets in many households and also offered to guests during special occasions.

For some it acts as evening snack or substitute or morning breakfast and few enjoy making shakes out of the same.

Because cream biscuits have multiple consumption moments, it becomes critical to ensure that product features are suited for most moments- should be easy to carry, easy to gulp, easy to share with friends, has enough quantity of cream, is aptly sweet to leave after-taste amongst many others, has the right amount of crispiness and looks appealing.

So the client ensured that the taste and design parameters were taken into account before taking a critical decision.